How to Help

Due to the small number of crops currently in production and Whitman College policies, we cannot accommodate extra help in the greenhouse. However, your support and interest will be vital in allowing for expansion and diversification. In turn, expansion will create many opportunities for you to work directly with the crops. In the meantime, there are still many ways that you can help support SAW and more sustainable food practices:

  • Follow our blog. You will remain updated on SAW activities, become familiar with our goals and production practices, and become aware of new ways that you can get involved.
  • Let Whitman and Bon Appétit know that you support SAW. For example, write on Bon Appétit napkins, letting them know that you like our produce and that you are interested in local food in the dining halls. In the future, we will provide petitions that you can sign to show your support for our expansion.
  • Become knowledgeable about sustainable agriculture, food policy, and hunger. Once again, follow our blog for information. But you don’t have to stop there–read books about agriculture, follow the news,  think critically and develop your opinions. Become informed about the economy and technology of industrial food production. Become aware of both the critiques and support of local and sustainable agriculture, and empower yourself by crafting your own reflections on them.
  • Support local farmers. Eat seasonal, local produce. If possible, support CSAs and the farmer’s market.
  • Become aware of hunger in Walla Walla. Support organizations such as the Walla Walla Gleaners and local food pantries (see resources). Reflect on how local food movements can work to ensure that healthy food is accessible to everyone, not just the wealthy.
  • Talk to family and friends about food and agriculture issues.
  • Join or support an organization that advocates for your vision of fair food systems (see resources for some examples). Be informed, sign petitions, protest.
  • Foster a connection with the earth and your food. When possible, become involved in food production and prepare your own food.
  • Be creative! You need not limit your support for sustainable agriculture to simply buying certain foods. If possible, be informed and engaged, rather than a passive consumer. See our resources page for some existing ideas. You are unique and powerful, and can also promote your own new ideas and projects.

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